revenue|revenues in English


[rev·e·nue || 'revənuː / -nju-]

income, return, gains; government income earned through taxation; government agency that collects tax monies; source of income

Use "revenue|revenues" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "revenue|revenues" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "revenue|revenues", or refer to the context using the word "revenue|revenues" in the English Dictionary.

1. • Operating revenue (including fines, recovery of expenses, revenues from administrative operations) Operating expenses

2. Accounts are also provided for settlement of joint facility revenues in the revenue accounts.

3. • Radio advertising revenues increased 54% from 1997 to 2005 exceeding the total media advertising revenue increase of 49%.

4. In part C, it was shown that advertising revenues account for the major share of the media's revenue.

5. Revenue Analyses are research estimates of how Minnesota House and Senate bills could affect state tax revenues and expenditures

6. Allocation the breakdown of COSTS (and REVENUES) between different products, functions or company departments where it is possible to attribute costs (and revenues) directly to the departments where the cost (revenue) arises.

7. Allocation the breakdown of COSTS (and REVENUES) between different products, functions or company departments where it is possible to attribute costs (and revenues) directly to the departments where the cost (revenue) arises.

8. The Internal Revenue Service has estimated that tax evasion may reduce personal income tax revenues by as much as 20 percent.

9. Advertisement revenues represent # % of Canadian periodical revenues

10. F1. Revenues Advertising Net advertising revenues (gross revenues less agency commissions and cash discounts).

11. Why Revenues are Credited Revenues cause owner's equity to increase

12. The decision to capitalise is not just based on scale – the largest in the sample, (revenues $10.5bn) Capitalises 0.8% of revenue; the smallest, Medical Transcription, Capitalises


14. Revenues Report revenues net of discounts, returns or allowances, promotional offers, and rebates.

15. Wireline service revenues include local and access, long distance, data and private line and Internet service revenues, but exclude revenues from terminal sales and rentals.

16. Outgoings and revenues balanced out.

17. Year Total Costs Revenues Actual Loss Carloads Year Total Costs Revenues Actual Loss Carloads

18. Other revenues increased because additional revenues for rent, sponsorship and technical services were generated.

19. Shrinking Oil Revenues In Alaska May Force Cutbacks To Ferry System For decades, Alaska has collected enough revenue from the oil industry to run government and pay each resident a …

20. Wireline service revenues include local and access, long distance, data and private line, and Internet service revenues. They exclude revenues from terminal equipment sales and rentals.

21. The core of revenue quality is the equipoise between revenue efficiency and revenue fairness.

22. (b) Revenues and expenses Revenues and expenses are recorded using the accrual basis of accounting.

23. Revenue from insurance payments received — Assigned revenue

24. MOU revenues generally include revenues earned from agreements CCMD has established with other organizations (e.g. departments, agencies).

25. • In addition to advertising revenues, community radio stations receive revenues from fund-raising, grants, and other sources.